Intelligent information management: Efficient. Thorough. Professional.

KAMRADT intelligent information management ist ein Beratungs- und Dokumentationsdienstleister. Unsere Kernkompetenz liegt in der technischen Produktdokumentation.
Wir erstellen detaillierte technische Dokumentationen und unterstützen unsere Kunden bei der Einführung und Implementierung von Content-Management-Systemen (CMS), um die Effizienz ihrer Informationsverwaltung zu optimieren. KAMRADT bietet seinen Kunden eine ganzheitliche Unterstützung in der Informationsverarbeitung.



Technical writing

Our Technical Writers create professional documents and information products that make your products safe according to norms and standards. And we do this with trained, certified and also highly experienced employees.


Language & Translation

We translate your information products into the many languages of the world. Regardless of your source systems, we coordinate the entire translation management process, working with a certified language service provider. Or with yours. Just as you like.


Analysis & Conception

We will guide you through editorial processes, the selection of suitable tools for information preparation, graphic and image editing, and all areas of translation management.


Training & Consulting

From basic training to ST4 power training - whether you just want to develop concepts for your editorial activities or are interested in automation processes in SCHEMA ST4 right away, we train and advise you according to your needs.

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Digital quality management

With our proven expertise in implementing QM software, we optimize your processes and increase efficiency.

We are here
for you.

Do you have any questions? Then contact us! We are looking forward to your message.

You are also welcome to send us a specific inquiry. The best way to do this is to use our contact form. We will get back to you as soon as possible.